Monday, August 3, 2009

High school!

this last week i started high school and i am loving it so much! My cousin haylee is in my seminary class and i was so happy to hear that! she is so awsome and i love having her in my class! Any who.... I am writing this post all because of haylee!! Haha... so we were talking when we were walking to our next hour and she said that i like never post comments on her blog, and so i took the liberty of finally doing that!! While i was posting that comment i rembered that she said that she always puts comments on my blog! so haylee i was thinking that we should have a little competition! By the end of this week we are gonna see who has posted the most comments on each others blogs and then we will think of some kind of reward! Okay and we have to post new things each day so we can be able to put new comments! okay????


Haylee Abney said...

Hannah- OH it is on.

Haylee Abney said...

So what's gonna be the reward??

Haylee Abney said...

how about...oh maybe LOSER gives WINNER a little lunch date to a place i like to call...oh Costa Vida's...hmm.

Haylee Abney said...

There is nothing more delicious than a sweet pork salad..and even more delicious when it's free..mmmmm.

Haylee Abney said...

Wow 5, im on roll!!! mmmm i better go and leave you alone so i can go to bed and dream of...SWEET PORK SALADZ!!!