Well it has been exactly a year since my grammy has died. We went down to her grave today and as we cleaned off her stone i knew she was looking down at us, and i know for a fact she is pretty dang proud! She is my hero, i really love her so much. I know that because of the plan of salvation i can be with her again and im so very thankful for that! And as i am sitting here balling my eyes out it really makes me think of what a wonderfuly life she really did live and how she NEVER once told us she was in pain, and how lucky i am to have her as a wonderful grammy! I love you grammy and i know that some day i will be with you again!
"You give me a kiss, you give me a hug, you smile when you see me too. I wish every child in the whole wide world had a grammy just like you! You read me a book, you sing me a song, you smile when you see me to. I wish every child in the whole wide world had a grammy just like you! I'll try to be good, i'll do as i should, i'll whisper i love you to. i wish every chilr in the whole wide world had a grammy just like you!"
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Im "that" kind of girl.....
Im "that" kind of girl.... who dances around her room and sings you belong thinking it is the story of her life!
Im "that" kind of girl....... who rembers the song she danced to with the guy she has liked since like 5th grade.
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to eat something sweet and randomly switch to something spicy then sweet again
Im "that" kind of girl.... who watches sappy love movies over and over again and thinks "why cant that kind of stuff ever happen to me?"
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to be loud and random and just to stand out
Im "that" kind of girl...... who randomly shouts cuckco in a store to find her family
Im "that" kind of girl.... who trys on dresses in ross and dallards and anything with dreses just to play around and dance! hahaha fun times:)
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to laugh with her friends at things that happened two days ago!
Yes im "that" kind of girl and i love it!
Im "that" kind of girl....... who rembers the song she danced to with the guy she has liked since like 5th grade.
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to eat something sweet and randomly switch to something spicy then sweet again
Im "that" kind of girl.... who watches sappy love movies over and over again and thinks "why cant that kind of stuff ever happen to me?"
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to be loud and random and just to stand out
Im "that" kind of girl...... who randomly shouts cuckco in a store to find her family
Im "that" kind of girl.... who trys on dresses in ross and dallards and anything with dreses just to play around and dance! hahaha fun times:)
Im "that" kind of girl..... who loves to laugh with her friends at things that happened two days ago!
Yes im "that" kind of girl and i love it!
Monday, November 2, 2009
What's Hannah doing today?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Barneys Cabin

i am so excited to be going back to this cabin!! We always have so much fun here!! It ends up being really fun becasue i have such an amazing family. You could NEVER be bored wiht this family!! We play signs, B.S, and we even do treasure hunts!! My favorite part though is just being able to be up there and spending time with my family, but i am also really glad that Kelsey could come with me!! So yeah i wont be typing for a while then!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Being sick is so over rated!!
So yes, i am sick...... and hating every minute of it! All day long i have been one facebook and looking at people's blogs and watching tv. Let me tell you i am so sick Little People Big World and stupid Animal Planet. Who ever invented Animal Planet was seriously retarded because i have no idea how people can just sit there and watch an animal just sitting there. WOW that's really fasinating! NOT. It's the most stupid thing i have ever heard of, and i feel really bad for Meg because she had to stay with me the whole day long! I am really sorry Meg, we are going to have to do something fun another time! (When i am not sick!)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What's Hannah doing today??

Well today I might be going to take pictures with Haylee and my little sisters!:) fun fun!! and my dad might take me and Haylee driving so i am pretty much excited! It's not a whole lot but what can you do when the keyword of your life is boring? Tonight should also be fun. We are going to watching a movie in our backyard. How you may ask.... well i will tell you! My Padra got this projector from his work(he apparently uses it for training??) and we are going to put it up and out a screen and watch signs! So hopefully my friend(which ever one that may be) will be able to watch it with us!! :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cause you'll be in my heart!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Okay i now a lot of people probaly tell them selves this but it really works for me! I am amking my blog a journal. Like of all the things i like(with pics of course!).
So for my first entry i am going to talk about my week! this week is taking way too long! I need kelsey to come home already. she is in cali and so i can only text and call her! thats not very fun. i would much rather hang out with her. but anyways this week is our fall break and i have been doing abosultly NOTHING. my family was suppose to be going to cali but i guess plans change! haha. i am really excited for tomorrow though. Carter's football game! i love going to football games! so thats it for this week so see ya! :9
So for my first entry i am going to talk about my week! this week is taking way too long! I need kelsey to come home already. she is in cali and so i can only text and call her! thats not very fun. i would much rather hang out with her. but anyways this week is our fall break and i have been doing abosultly NOTHING. my family was suppose to be going to cali but i guess plans change! haha. i am really excited for tomorrow though. Carter's football game! i love going to football games! so thats it for this week so see ya! :9
I am loving this song!! Haylee showed it to me and i just cant stop listening to it!!! i love it so much!! haha! Another song i am loving (well the dance anyways) is the jerk song! becuase i know how to jerk!!! ahahha! Thanks to carter! he taught me! haha when we went to target i would jerk down the alise! it was so much fun! haha!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
love love love you to the moon and back!!
okay people... if you dont have friends like this i am seriously sorry because they are the BEST!!! love you guys!!
Kelsey- she is my bestest friend in the whole entire world! we do everything together and she is so hilarous and so pretty. we laugh at the most dumbest things!! she is so nice and so fun!!
Jessica- another one of my bestest friends in the whole entire world!! she is so much fun to be around and is a great person!! she is so funny!!

Okay whoever said cousins dont count as friends was seriously wrong because these girls are freaking amazing!!!
meg- she is one of the most funnest people to be around!! we are so funny and i love how we do those stupid movie quotes that only we get!! haha
Monday, September 14, 2009
songs..... what the heck!!
okay all you people who even bother to read my blog...... there are so pretty stupid song out there! so i am gonna tell you about some that drive me CRAZY!! here we go:
Okay so miley cyrus......... party in the usa, the song doesn't really bother me but the fact that at the teen choice awards she pole danced to that song!!! who does that????? she is suppose to be a role model to those little girls.... well she sure messed that up big time!
the jonas brothers:pizza girl. why would you tell the world that you fell in love with the pizza girl? i mean really nobody cares!!!
Lady gaga: love game. no comment
thats all i have for now but i am sure i can find some more!!!
Okay so miley cyrus......... party in the usa, the song doesn't really bother me but the fact that at the teen choice awards she pole danced to that song!!! who does that????? she is suppose to be a role model to those little girls.... well she sure messed that up big time!
the jonas brothers:pizza girl. why would you tell the world that you fell in love with the pizza girl? i mean really nobody cares!!!
Lady gaga: love game. no comment
thats all i have for now but i am sure i can find some more!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
More precious than rubies
Last nnight i went to a thinng for young womens and it alked about self image! I loved it so much! I just want all you girls to know that your are beautiful. The world is lying to you telling you that you should look like this person and dress like that one. Our heavenly father looks down on us everyday and he doesn't want to see a girl trying to be someone she is not! He wants to see a beautiful strong girl who knows who she is and that she is pround of her self! One of the quotes was " Focus on you, but when you walk out that door serve others". By just telling someone that they look pretty today could do so much to higher their selfesteem! So know that you are beautiful and that your heavenly father loves you just the way you are!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
i am also following all of these people and going private! sorry but i've got to! if u want to read my blog just comment and leave your email!! k tnx bye
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
10 Things that irratate me so much!
Okay this is not one of those stupid tagging posts but i was just thinking about things that irratate me! So here are the top ten things:
1.) Teachers that don't explain what to do! i absolutly hate that. i am not really good at listening to teachers when they just drag on and on but i can listen when it is short and simple! it makes life so much harder when they have to add a story to there niddle of explaining things and i hate that so much.... moving on.
2.) When my room is clean and then my little sisters go in there and mess it up! hate that! i really think that if they just stayed out of my room that things would be fine, but no they gotta do it the hard way!
3.) When my hair looks so cute in the morning and then i look at myself in the mirror later that day and it looks horrible! Enough said
4.) When my mother trys to hurry me when i am trying to write a new post. that really bugs me MOM! haha
5.) At ross when the cloths are just thrown everywhere! i can never find anything in that store because of the way they se it up!
6.) Targets policys! when i go to get on the old people carts and they say i cannot because i am not injured or over 18! dumb!
7.) HOMEWORK!! i hate it i hate it i hate it!
8.) When i can't find anyone to sit with at lunch! that really bugs me!
9.) When the lesson in schools just blows right over my head!
10.) When my mother just leaves me when i have just gotten home!
1.) Teachers that don't explain what to do! i absolutly hate that. i am not really good at listening to teachers when they just drag on and on but i can listen when it is short and simple! it makes life so much harder when they have to add a story to there niddle of explaining things and i hate that so much.... moving on.
2.) When my room is clean and then my little sisters go in there and mess it up! hate that! i really think that if they just stayed out of my room that things would be fine, but no they gotta do it the hard way!
3.) When my hair looks so cute in the morning and then i look at myself in the mirror later that day and it looks horrible! Enough said
4.) When my mother trys to hurry me when i am trying to write a new post. that really bugs me MOM! haha
5.) At ross when the cloths are just thrown everywhere! i can never find anything in that store because of the way they se it up!
6.) Targets policys! when i go to get on the old people carts and they say i cannot because i am not injured or over 18! dumb!
7.) HOMEWORK!! i hate it i hate it i hate it!
8.) When i can't find anyone to sit with at lunch! that really bugs me!
9.) When the lesson in schools just blows right over my head!
10.) When my mother just leaves me when i have just gotten home!
Monday, August 3, 2009
High school!
this last week i started high school and i am loving it so much! My cousin haylee is in my seminary class and i was so happy to hear that! she is so awsome and i love having her in my class! Any who.... I am writing this post all because of haylee!! Haha... so we were talking when we were walking to our next hour and she said that i like never post comments on her blog, and so i took the liberty of finally doing that!! While i was posting that comment i rembered that she said that she always puts comments on my blog! so haylee i was thinking that we should have a little competition! By the end of this week we are gonna see who has posted the most comments on each others blogs and then we will think of some kind of reward! Okay and we have to post new things each day so we can be able to put new comments! okay????
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We got to see wicked last night and it was the best play i have ever seen! These aren't the real people but this is what it mainly looked like!! I can't descride to you how much i really love this play! I cried, I laughed, I got mad at the wizard, everything was just so amazing! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I miss my grammy!!
This week has been really hard for me for some reason and i don't know why! we are going to see wicked on tuesday and i think that might be why i am so sad. the last time i saw wicked i was with her and this is her favorite play. it was also her and my papa's anneversity this weekend and it just kind of hit me that she was gone and i haven't been able to stop thinking about her! i know that someday i am going to be with her again but it is just kind of hard right now. and the fact that we just got back from the beach! that is hard too but i know that no matter what she will help me get through this and i am grateful for that!! I love you grammy and miss you a lot!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
8 things i luv:
1.) My family
2.) My friends
3.) Facebook
5.) Target
6.) How my family says cuckcoo when we try to find eath other(extended to)
7.) Highschool Football games
8.) Taking pictures and doing hair
8 phrases or words i use:
1.) REALLY??
2.) what
3.) idk
4.) Oh my gosh!
5.) Seriously
6.) Hey
7.) Haha
8.) NO
Top 8 tv shows i like:
1.) So you think you can dance!!!
2.) Jon and kate plus eight
3.) Cakeboss
4.) The office
5.) American idol
6.) Friends
7.) Make it or break it
8.) Say yes to the dress
4 things to do before i die:
1.) Get married
2.) Have kids
3.) Finish hair school
4.) Have a nice house
people i tagg, Haylee, Mom, Briley, Brook, Courtney, Zoe, Mallory, Shelby L, Megan, Brittany, Stephine, Shelby, Natalie, Sydney
1.) My family
2.) My friends
3.) Facebook
5.) Target
6.) How my family says cuckcoo when we try to find eath other(extended to)
7.) Highschool Football games
8.) Taking pictures and doing hair
8 phrases or words i use:
1.) REALLY??
2.) what
3.) idk
4.) Oh my gosh!
5.) Seriously
6.) Hey
7.) Haha
8.) NO
Top 8 tv shows i like:
1.) So you think you can dance!!!
2.) Jon and kate plus eight
3.) Cakeboss
4.) The office
5.) American idol
6.) Friends
7.) Make it or break it
8.) Say yes to the dress
4 things to do before i die:
1.) Get married
2.) Have kids
3.) Finish hair school
4.) Have a nice house
people i tagg, Haylee, Mom, Briley, Brook, Courtney, Zoe, Mallory, Shelby L, Megan, Brittany, Stephine, Shelby, Natalie, Sydney
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
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